The Characteristics of Curb Appeal

“Curb appeal” seems to be embedded in every single property discussion today. But what does it means? And why does it matter?

First, a quick history lesson.

“Curb appeal” first entered our vocabulary in the 1970s, when the housing boom took center stage in the USA. Since then, it’s been used by realtors, homeowners, and passersby alike to describe homes and businesses.

The phrase is used to describe the way that a property looks from the street. And it can go one of two ways:

  • A property has curb appeal if it’s welcoming, well-kempt, and clean
  • A property doesn’t have curb appeal if it looks drab and poorly maintained

What creates curb appeal?

A few things. The basically rule of thumb for curb appeal is this: If a property owner stays on top of a home maintenance checklist, then they’re in good shape. But there are a few things that will really make or break curb appeal:


  • Your driveway and sidewalk: Hardscapes are a focal point of your property. They’re also the entry and exit point for visitors. Make your curb appeal start and end on the right foot with regular driveway and sidewalk cleaning!
  • Your exterior: A dirty exterior drags your entire property down. Buy with routine maintenance, you can make that beautiful first impression last and last.


Mike’s Pressure Cleaning is here to help your curb appeal thrive. We start from the bottom with driveway cleaning — and bring the beautiful impact all the way to the top!