Your home isn’t just a combination of four walls. It’s comprised of a driveway, sidewalk, siding and a porch. It would be useless without a roof, and it relies on the character of its landscaping to truly stand out. Let our Residential Pressure Washing help it truly stand out.

Mike’s Residential Concrete Cleaning

Professionally cleaning your sidewalk or driveway may seem like a bit too much, but it’s not. All year-round, the concrete depreciates due to various reasons such as environmental forces which include rain, ice, and extreme heat from the sun. Getting the concrete professionally cleaned helps you preserve the property and may even add up its value. Here, we will discuss the benefits of professional residential cleaning.


Improving Curb Appeal

The first thing anyone visiting your property will notice is the sidewalk or driveway. A dirty concrete sidewalk is a poor image and it will give a bad first impression. But a professionally cleaned sidewalk and driveway demonstrates that you care for your property. This helps increase the property value of your business or home.


Enhances Your Health

Mildew, mold, and algae are rampant in dirty concrete. Such bacteria are very harmful to you and your family’s health. Professionally cleaning the concrete helps get rid of any bacteria, dust, and even allergens.


Enhances Durability

Concrete undergoes the process of wear and tear much more quickly when dirty. Additionally, replacing the driveway and sidewalk concrete is expensive. Luckily, you can increase the longevity of the concrete on your driveway and sidewalk through professional cleaning.


Avoiding Potential Hazards

Your driveway and sidewalk can become a real potential hazard. This is because the concrete can become more slippery when dirty leading to more slips and falls. Regular professional cleaning prevents the concrete from becoming too slippery.


Saving Time and Money

Manually cleaning your concrete sidewalk and driveway takes a lot of time. You will also use more money in buying cleaning products that might not work. Letting professional companies handle concrete cleaning will help you save a lot of time and money. It will also give you better results because the experts know how to get rid of any tough stains that might be difficult to remove.