Mike’s Commercial Concrete Cleaning

The concrete compound of your commercial buildings leaves a lasting first impression on your visitors. It is important to optimize its aesthetic appeal to attract more traffic for your business. Additionally, the months of spring and summer carry many organic build-ups, such as mildew, algae, and mold, which should be eliminated at all costs. When left untreated, these pollutants will gradually damage the finish of your concrete, leading to unsightly appearances and potential safety hazards.


Mike’s Pressure Cleaning Inc. can help retain the perfect appearance of your concrete compounds. Our specialists are well-trained in leading pressure washing techniques that will remove the most stubborn stains. “Common culprits” include tire tracks, chewing gum, grease, and organic build-ups. Smooth and flawless concrete will reduce the risks of slips and falls that are caused by uneven grooves and holes on the surface.


Why Choose Mike’s Pressure Cleaning Inc.?


  • Our certified, bonded, and insured technicians are highly experienced in the most advanced concrete pressure washing techniques. Each specialist has deep knowledge of identifying and applying the most suitable cleaning solutions according to the condition of your concrete.
  • We apply revolutionary pre-treatment techniques that will extend the lifetime of your concrete. The process will save you time and money spent on replacement work.
  • We work on your schedule, providing our quality services while you run your business without disruption.


Mike’s Pressure Cleaning Inc. will help you score the winning first impression for your business with superior concrete cleaning.