Gutter Cleaning

Mike’s Gutter Cleaning

“What’s the big deal about a few leaves in the gutter?” you might think. Well, here are just five things that could go wrong if you don’t keep gutters clean and debris builds up.

1)     If water can’t drain properly, it will build up and eventually it has to go somewhere. That could be into your roof, creating leaks that make future rain even more damaging. The water could get into your house, damaging plaster and wallpaper and building up damp and mold. It could even get into your foundations and cause structural damage. To make all of this worse, insurers might refuse to pay out if they decide you didn’t maintain your gutters properly.

2)     A clogged-up drain makes the perfect nesting ground for all manner of unwanted creatures. Bees and wasps could make a home and then make your life a misery. Mosquitoes or even rodents could pose a health risk. And termites could use it as a base to wreak havoc on wood frames in your home.

3)     Standing water is one thing, but come winter you have to worry about ice as well. That could mean damage to the drain itself, danger from falling ice, or dripping water leading to treacherous ice patches around your home.

4)     Drains aren’t designed to be completely full of water for extended periods. If water can’t escape, the weight could put serious strain on the drain’s fixing and brackets. In the most serious cases, the drain could come clean off.

5)     A clogged drain could divert water almost anywhere except down the pipe. That could mean unleashing a torrent onto your garden, drowning your plants.

The good news is that professional gutter cleaning is more affordable than you might think. In fact, with so many risks averted, it’s arguably one of the most effective investments you can make in your home.